Stop Dragging Yourself through the day - exhausted and flat, where you can't think clearly, drained by the ongoing demands upon you everywhere you turn, like you're constantly "on", and wondering is this hormonal or just mid-life?

Create Your Individual Energy Blueprint in 5 simple steps.

From Blah to Shining Brightly again in 5 Steps - that take into account your lifestyle! Without giving up all the things that bring you joy, without hours of exercise or complicated meal plans.
Have you ever woken up in the morning, hit snooze for the 3rd time and thought ...

I feel like everything is a chore and everyone wants something from me – the staff, the kids, gosh even being intimate with my husband has become a chore.

I’m spinning my wheels and going nowhere.

It wasn’t meant to be this hard!

What if I were to tell you that I truly believe there is a way for you to have all the energy to enjoy the life you’ve created?

Wouldn’t you feel incredible knowing you can pursue new opportunities, and you have access to your energy & passion from a place of full physical & mental strength?

Hi, my name is Dr Louise Blair, Chiropractor and the founder of Blaze!

In my career, I’ve helped over 4000 people find strategies to live pain-free and with energy. 

After 25 years in practice, helping entrepreneurs, politicians, top tier public servants and many others, I’ve not only seen burn out in others, I’ve lived it myself.

I understand what it's like to feel ... 


Exhausted and flat, dragging your feet through the day.

Feeling like you can’t think clearly and forgetting details & dropping the ball on important tasks.

Frumpy, bloated, hormonal and moody.

Drained by the ongoing demands upon you everywhere you turn, when it’s sometimes hard to even relax and enjoy your success.

Because I've been there and learned how to re-fuel my tanks to lead a fantastic and successful, energy-rich life.
But things changed when ... I read that 40% of women in Australia and NZ are diagnosed with anxiety or depression.
I thought enough’s enough. Women aren’t broken! We just don’t know how to work with and honour our amazing bodies, respect natural rhythms and hormone profiles.
That’s when I started showing others how to fit their health jigsaw pieces together in a way that created a picture they wanted.
By combining the vitalistic principles that us Chiropracators have relied upon to help people heal & repair for over a century and then integrating aspects of functional nutrition, exercise physiology, life coaching and success principles I developed a roadmap to help other exhausted professionals or business owners remember how amazing it can feel in your skin.
A road map that gets results.
Since that "sliding doors moment"


I've been able to .... own & work in a successful health practice, raise teenagers, exercise without crashing or suffering injuries, have the energy and reserves to volunteer, find the time to socialise and travel with family & friends, sail thru menopause without the “usual aliments” or any HRT, maintain a fantastic relationship (wink,wink) with my amazing husband - all with energy in reserved, feeling great in my skin & a spring in my step.

Here are just a few testimonials I've received recently from my clients:
“Thank you for showing me how to have energy when I need it. I now feel like I did in my 20s!”
- Vicki, 44yr, Small Business Owner

“I love knowing how to make my hormones work for me. I used to think I was at the mercy of unpredictable fluctuations. Now I know how to harness & upgrade my body’s chemistry. I have energy for everything now. This has been a game changer for me & my family.”
- Paula, 48, Lawyer.

“I’d tried everything, my doctor had said my bloods were normal and that I needed to simplify my life. But now I know there was nothing wrong, I was just following the rules that didn’t work for me & my body. You & the Blaze protocols have totally changed my life!”
- Sarah, 51, Consultant
So how do you get all the energy to enjoy life? I’d love to help show you the way!
Here’s what I have:

21 Day Energy Reset

A straightforward road map we create together that lets you rebuild your energy levels in a sustainable and ongoing way.

Here’s how it works


Identify where you are on today on the Burnout scale- are you just warming up or closer to ashes? I’ll walk you through this.

Discover where your primary power-leak spot is - I’ll show you how to ID this and then we’ll confirm that this is where to put your attention.

Now’s the time to start re-charging your batteries. First up we’ll work on the leakage zone identified in Step 2.

2-3 hacks that will specifically help your burnout style & ensure better balanced hormones.

You’re ready to integrate those now found ideas into your lifestyle. It’s time to bed them in & celebrate.
Here's Why I'm Doing This For You …

I know you aren’t broken, I am over hearing that so many amazing & talented women are fobbed off, thinking that their brain chemicals or hormones are at fault and there's nothing that they can do but swallow artificial chemicals. The last 3 years has led to more stress and so many people feeling burned out.

So it’s time to help more amazing & talented women than I can do one by one in my office. We’ve taken the steps I use everyday, turned them into a RoadMap that you can use yourself. I’m opening a FaceBook group for you to ask questions, meet other women just like you & share as your light starts shining brightly again.
Here's What You Need To Do Next 

Click the button below to get started for only $249 NZD.
Buy now
Here's Why You Need To Act Now 

Because I will be involved in the FB group and answering your questions along the way, I only have space for so many women looking to thrive.
Will you be one of them?
Here's Why It's Safe And Smart To Act Now - Love it or pay nothing!  

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Look. Let’s be honest. You don’t know me (probably), I don’t know you.

Why should you trust me when there is a high chance you have tried other approaches before from somebody else (who you didn’t know at that time) and maybe they flopped, right?

I so want to get this out to other women that I decided to take all the risks from your shoulders and give you full 30 days to go through the RoadMap.

During this time you can decide if it is worth the price. If not, just send us an email to welcome @blaze.academy and we’ll send you a refund right away!
You're also getting ...
✓ The Energy Blueprint Roadmap itself
✓ 5 videos to walk you through each step if the way
✓ Access to our Energy Blueprint Facebook Group - where you can connect with other amazing women and ask questions.
Thanks for reading my letter today, friend...

If you'd like to take advantage of this limited time offer, click the button below before it expires.

Louise Blair
Buy now
P.S. If, like me, you have a tendency to skip straight to the bottom of a letter like this to find out what it's all about ...

Let me give you a quick recap of what you're getting:
✓ 21 Day Energy Reset
✓ Access to 2 quizzes
✓ Access to the course with 5 videos per step
✓ Access to our 21 Day Reset Facebook Group