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About Me

Hi, I’m Louise! 

I have been practising in Wellington since 1999 and during that time the health landscape has changed significantly. In spite of more and more medical innovations and a wider variety of food choices in New Zealand, along with the rest of the Western World, we’re killing ourselves.
Our lifestyle now accounts for most of our disease and ill health. It’s been estimated by the US Centers for Disease Control that up to 90% of all doctors visits are the results of stress.


Stress includes emotional stress, but also the physical loads and chemical loads we ask our bodies to handle. Modern lifestyles, modern food choices and modern pastimes create physiological stress within our body that leads to lifestyle diseases.
The World Health Organisation has stated that by the year 2030 these diseases are predicted to account for 70% of deaths and 56% of the disease burden. That’s diseases we are creating each and every day by the choices we make.  
 In 2006 I decided that I was going to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I’m very privileged to have had not only the education, but also the resources and time to have stayed up to date with the most current research in regards to nutrition and neurology. I love eating & have always been fascinated with how the brain works and communicated with the rest of the body, and the influence of our hormones.
How lucky was I to realise that food,  the brain and hormonal regulation go hand in hand in creating not only better brain health, but also better health over all & a reduction in the incidence of these diseases of lifestyle, as well as huge symptomatic changes for people. 


In practice, I have cared for over 5500 people helping them find natural, neurologically based solutions to their health concerns. I am passionate about helping people create optimal health and living vibrant-full lives.  As both a chiropractor and the owner of Back to Living, I know how important it is to help people really get to the bottom of their health concerns.
Whether someone sees us initially for aches and pains or asthma, low energy or as part of their wider well-being strategy, being able to integrate the many demands we make upon ourselves is paramount. Our first step is coaching those we look after how to stop re-creating their patterns and step off the sickness path. 

My Vision


Blaze Academy for High Achieving women & girls is the natural next step.
My vision is to have healthy, hormonal & happy women living vibrant lives full of joy.  
As part of this, I believe we are honour-bound to guide the next generation, and show them how to avoid the burnout that so many professional women experience in 2022. Imagine if today’s teenagers and young professionals learnt to know and trust themselves, understanding that they deserve to live with fun and purpose, and had the health & energy to experience it all.
A busy working mum, I am enjoying the change to being empty-nesters. I’m a keen skier & cyclist and regularly give presentations to groups and corporations on a wide variety of health topics.
How does a working mum keep up with all this? From experience I learnt the hard way how important it is to do as I ask my patients - plan ways to stay well and model good health habits for my children. I receive regular chiropractic care, eat fresh, whole foods, take time out to relax, read and exercise regularly. At the moment I am training for a cycling odyssey in the South Island of New Zealand.